In order for Kier / VolkerFitzpatrick to carry out the F-35 infrastructure works, a temporary works compound and car park were required just outside the base. We were appointed to provide multidisciplinary services and advice to support a planning application.
The Panther House Redevelopment by development manager Dukelease and architects AHMM reinvents a former industrial area, creating a mix of apartments, workplace and retail spaces. We were appointed to the role of Air Quality Consultant in 2015.
Between 2020 and 2022 we provided multidisciplinary services and technical advice to support the planning, design and construction of a new depot for Ben Burgess, East Anglia's premier agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies provider.
A 67,000 sq ft, seven-storey building comprising of 150 apartments, shared facilities, an external terrace and socialising area. Our multidisciplinary team have been providing a variety of technical services to support a planning application.
Appointed to the role of Air Quality Consultant in 2023, we have been providing technical advice and services to support a proposed 31-home residential development in Palmers Green, Enfield.
Our Water & Flood Risk team were appointed to assess the flow characteristics of a brownfield site and ensure that mitigation measures were included in the design to remove any adverse off-site impacts.
In 2023 our Water & Flood Risk team were appointed to undertake a flood modelling study of the Kym Catchment in Bedfordshire and develop a feasible, low cost and Natural Flood Management orientated flood relief scheme.
We provided on-site noise and vibration monitoring, specialist mitigation advice, and data calculations to support a contractor with their road planing project in an historic Norfolk village. Winner of a 2023 ANC Award for Environmental Noise.
Ironworks is a landmark regeneration scheme in Cambridge comprising of 236 new homes, 50% of which are affordable. We provided multidisciplinary services to support the development throughout pre-planning, design and construction stages.
Since 2017 we have been working with East Lindsey District Council to update their Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as part of an ongoing Local Plan review.
Working alongside Norwich-based Hudson Architects, we provided structural engineering services to support the design and construction of a new extension to a Grade-II listed, private dwelling.
Our Sustainability team have been supporting the proposed redevelopment of Hornsey Police Station since 2022. Koukan Developments’ proposals will see the police station refurbished and extended to provide six terraced houses and four flats.
Working in partnership with the Environment Agency and Breheny Civil Engineering, our Civil Engineering and Structural team were appointed to design flood mitigation measures for several homes in the village of Wentbridge in West Yorkshire.
Phase 3 of the Colville Road scheme in Cambridge will see 48 homes replace 16 aging homes. In 2020 we were appointed to provide multidisciplinary planning support.
Timber Works comprises of 118 new council homes and 177 market sale homes, a nursery, central park, open spaces and basement car park. We have provided multidisciplinary services to support Cambridge Investment Partnership’s largest development since 2018.
A Cambridge Investment Partnership scheme, Campkin Road will provide 75 new, highly sustainable homes and apartments, green spaces and a community centre. We provided multidisciplinary services to support the development from 2019 to late 2023.
Since 2018 we have been providing multidisciplinary services for Ørsted, supporting the planning and on-going construction of Hornsea Three, which once complete will provide enough low-cost, clean, renewable electricity to power 3.2 million UK homes.
We have been supporting Turley with a planning application for the proposed expansion of Girton College in Cambridge. The proposals include a new accommodation, office and social space, an auditorium, sports allocation, new vehicular accesses and car parking.
In 2019 we were appointed to provide structural engineering services for a new £4.14 million state-of-the-art cancer care and support centre in Cromer, Norfolk.
7 Thames Road for Inland Homes will comprise 131 residential units, landscaping and public realm improvements, play spaces, car parking and other associated and ancillary works. We’ve been supporting the development since 2020.
Part of the Thames Road Masterplan, 3 Gallions Close will provide 233 dwellings, a local convenience commercial unit, landscaping and public realm improvements. We were appointed in 2019 to provide multidisciplinary services to support a planning application.
In 2016 we were appointed to provide multidisciplinary services to support a planning application for Dimes Place in central London. The brownfield site will be reinvented to provide high quality and unique office space within Hammersmith.
We were appointed in 2016 to provide multidisciplinary services to support a planning application for this proposed refurbishment of a derelict listed property into a mixed-use development that retains the original maritime heritage.
Appointed in 2020, we have provided multidisciplinary services for this major mixed-use scheme in north west London, which will provide 252 homes, a retail outlet and expand the public realm with a mix of quality internal and external amenity.
In 2015 L&Q appointed us to provide expert infrastructure advice and multidisciplinary services to support the promotion of a proposed new settlement of 17,000 dwellings at Marks Tey in Essex.
Since 2014 we have been working on a proposed new business park that will offer new build industrial, warehouse and office buildings in premier location, south of Norwich city centre. The proposed site is in close proximity to the A47 southern bypass.
We provided structural and civil engineering services on a luxury collection of six, award-winning, individually designed apartments in Elstree, North London.
Working in partnership with Highways England, Dawson WAM working on behalf of Kier appointed us in 2018 to help manage and mitigate noise and vibration on their major programme to convert the M6 around Staffordshire into a smart motorway.
Cavalry Barracks will deliver a vibrant community that includes 1,525 high-quality homes, alongside commercial space and over 10 acres of open space. We have provided multidisciplinary services since 2019 to support a planning application.
We have been working with Mayfield Market Towns Limited since 2012 providing a range of multidisciplinary services to support the proposals for a new town as an option for development through the Horsham Local Plan.
We provided structural engineering services on this exquisitely crafted private home, featuring traditional flint surfaces and other local materials, nestled between two heritage sites in an area of natural beauty in North Norfolk.
Our MEP Building Services team provided technical services and advice on this award-winning £5 million building that provides state-of-the-art laboratories and workspace.