- Structural Surveys / Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)
- Pre-Purchase Appraisals
- Feasibility Studies
- Historical Building Advice
- Structural Failure Studies
- Cost-Effective Comparative Solution Studies
- Basement Impact Assessments
- Bridge Surveys
- Expert Witness
- Value Engineering
- Structural Analysis and Design (Eurocodes and British Standards)
- Multi-Storey and Deep Basement
- Foundation Design
- Marine Design
- Demolition Advice
- Retaining Wall Structural Design
- Bridge Design
- Extensions
- Party Wall
- Refurbishments and Remodelling
- Building Regulations Applications
- RC Detailing
- Subsidence and Underpinning
- Peer Review and Independent Checking
- Remedial Works Design and Advice
- Temporary Works Design
- Scaffolding Assessments
- CAT 3 Checking
- Sustainable Designs Options
- Approval Submissions to Network Rail / Basic Asset Protection Agreement (BAPA)
- National Highways Criteria
We provided structural and civil engineering services on a luxury collection of six, award-winning, individually designed apartments in Elstree, North London.
Eden House
We provided structural engineering services on this exquisitely crafted private home, featuring traditional flint surfaces and other local materials, nestled between two heritage sites in an area of natural beauty in North Norfolk.
Coast House
7 Thames Road for Inland Homes will comprise 131 residential units, landscaping and public realm improvements, play spaces, car parking and other associated and ancillary works. We’ve been supporting the development since 2020.