Girton College is one of thirty-one institutions of the University of Cambridge, founded in 1869. The College is distinctive for being Britain’s first residential college to provide degree level education to women.
Turley, on behalf of Girton College, have been preparing a planning application to expand the facilities on the campus which include the erection of student residential accommodation, with ancillary meeting, office and social space, an auditorium, replaced buildings and ground maintenance workshops, one new and relocated sports pitch, additional ‘ball-stop’ fencing, relocated tennis courts, two new vehicular accesses and replacement car park.
Our Air Quality team assisted with assessing pollution that will be created by the expansion of facilities on the campus. The development is located adjacent to the A14 Corridor Air Quality Management Area which was taken into special consideration during the assessment. A Dust Management Plan was also completed.
- Air Quality Monitoring
- Air Quality Assessment
- Mitigation advice in relation to Odour and Dust
- ADMS-Roads Dispersion Modelling
- We used dispersion modelling to predicting levels of annual NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 created by the A14 and the development and assessed the impact on local residents and the campus’ students and staff. Two future years were modelled; 2025 and 2030. The results showed that the A14 and extension of Girton College facilities would have a negligible impact on local receptors and site users for both years modelled.
- A Dust Management Plan was completed to ensure that the current site users and local receptors are not exposed to harmful levels of dust during the construction phases. A list of mitigation measures were carefully selected to minimise the dust impacts from demolition, earthworks, construction and trackout activities. These will be implemented once construction starts at Girton College.