East Lindsey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment


Since 2017 we have been working with East Lindsey District Council to update their Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as part of an ongoing Local Plan review.


We are currently working alongside East Lindsey District Council (ELDC), providing an update to their Level 1 and 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA). As part of the ongoing Local Plan review there is a need to update the baseline evidence related to all flood risks across the district including an update to the strategic coastal flood modelling. Our Water & Flood Risk team are working closely with the Council and their various partners to produce a suitable evidence base for the Level 1 SFRA such that a reliable dataset can be compiled for the Local plan to be based on.

Building on this the Level 2 SFRA is now looking to, in liaison with the relevant authorities, develop a strategy for safe development within the coastal flood zone throughout the East Lindsey district. This will be for all types of development, but in particular the tourism and residential sectors and how this can be made safer going forwards. It involves a modelling exercise to update the existing modelling and district tidal flood risk along the full 70km of district coastline to take into account the latest allowances for climate change and most up to date methodologies. The modelling exercise is looking at both breach and overtopping flood risk whilst also informing temporary tourism related planning consents. Once the baseline modelling is in place, we will then be working with the Local Resilience Forum and other local partners to update the District Wide Evacuation Strategy whilst also setting in place principles for new residential development in the flood zone and how this can be made safe for its lifetime.

Our close working relationship with ELDC and their partners is ensuring that the final document brought forward will adequately inform new development whilst more crucially ensuring that the targets set are achievable and realistic.



  • Robust appraisal of the extent and nature of flood risk from all sources of flooding, now, and in the future
  • Updates to the Level 1 and 2 SFRA
  • Flood Risk Modelling
  • Strategic Advice and Policy Guidance