Matthew Wellington

Marketing Manager

Matthew joined Create in November 2020 and is responsible for competitive tendering, marketing and communications.

Having spent 5 years as a Marketing and Digital Coordinator for RG Carter Construction, Matthew has a strong understanding of the construction and engineering sector that has enabled him to quickly improve our brand and market position, particularly within our home county of Norfolk. He has also wireframed, designed and managed the launch of our new company website, ensured year-on-year growth of our LinkedIn page, and contributed to the wider management and administration of the business.

Matthew has also played a key role managing and writing qualitative elements for tender submissions, often taking the lead and ensuring bids are submitted on time. Notable wins to-date have included Hornsea Three Lot 3 onshore infrastructure elements for Orsted (Traffic/Transport), One Horton Heath (Acoustics/Air Quality) for Eastleigh Borough Council, and Daleham Gardens for NW3 CLT (Sustainability/MEP Building Services).

A team player, Matthew is comfortable working across all levels of the business. He is highly creative, with a keen eye for design.

Outside of work, Matthew enjoys spending time with his partner along the Suffolk coast. He also enjoys a multitude of sports, watching movies and playing videogames. He can often be found in the nearest Hi-Fi shop looking at all the technology he can’t possibly afford.


  • BA (Hons) History, University of Northampton

Professional Associations

  • Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, ACIM